
I just love being British! As soon as the sun comes out, we’re out there in it! Sitting in the sun and barbequing in it, just in case it doesn’t last long.
The garden is paying back our efforts ten fold, looking so lovely. My peonie which I mentioned purchasing at considerable cost is in bud! Apparently it’s a tree peonie..maybe that’s what bumped up the price!
The seedlings have all started to sprout! My confidence took a huge leap when I saw their little green leaves start to appear.
I have also sown runner beans and Amelia sowed sweet corn at the weekend. I took the dogs for a walk and met a fellow gardener en route who had just returned from his allotment. He opened the boot of this car which looked like a mini garden shed! Insisting I took 3 seed potatoes he didn’t have room for and 3 giant pumpkin seeds. ‘What am I going to do with 3 giants seeds’ I asked, ‘share them with someone else’ he said! Do you want one?!
So off I walked, with my mobile, i pod, dog bags – they don’t need anymore description than that! And 3 seed potatoes in my pockets. If I had fallen in the canal (which I have on a previous dog walk) I would have sunk like a stone!
The raised beds are looking truly lovely and I’m so pleased to have them. I am going to copy an idea out of my square foot gardening book when my red onions have finished growing and make a patterned herb bed in the small 4ft X 4ft bed. I think it would look very ornate and practical too what with all the herbs I like to include in casseroles and salads.
Chelsea Flower Show is just over a month away now. It will be lovely to see the gardens there and get some ideas to take home and try out. It has to be my favourite show because it feels like a beautiful ‘parallel’ universe in the middle of London, everyone gets dressed up for the occasion. There’s no other place like it. If you haven’t been, you must put it on your list of things to do – then come and say hi at the Access Garden Products stand.