Red Letter Day! I’ve Picked My First Lettuce!

What’s for tea Mum? ‘salad’ I replied – silence.
I have sowed, watched, waited, worried, re-potted, watered, waited – oh have I waited! For this day….. I have now picked my first lettuce!
It might only be a humble lettuce, but I remember laughing, in a slightly concerned way when doing the video with the guys from Access Garden Products all those months ago when we discussed having lettuce on Christmas Day for dinner. But to me, it’s another mile stone, lettuce today – globe artichokes are on their way! I’m thinking big now.
So, I jazzed up my humble salad with potato salad – my way.. recipe to follow, grated cheese and spring onion stirred into mayonnaise, made by Amelia, crispy turkey escalope with cheese and ham inside, crusty bread, home grown lettuce and tomato (this was from Sainsbury). Also for me – washed down with a lovely cooling glass of cider!
I found myself asking – ‘what do you think of the lettuce?’ ‘Can you taste the difference?’ Realising I was fishing for a compliment, both girls in unison replied ‘yes, it the best lettuce we’ve tasted!’ I continued my meal with a satisfied smug smile, knowing it was indeed the best lettuce ever tasted!!
I now have a square foot available in my mini greenhouse, and not before time I can tell you. As I now have chillies ready to go inside, not to mention a fair few melon plants growing at a pace. I have already handed a few of my baby plants to friends who have promised to give them a good home. I will expect progress reports on how they are doing. I have a little runt of the litter in my chilli department. So I’m keeping a close eye on it and hoping it will grow to maturity.
I will be on the Access Garden Products Stand at Malvern show this coming Friday – 7th May and would love to meet anyone who will be there. The guys from Access will also be there on the other days. I will give you more details soon.
Can’t believe it’s May already – another busy gardening month. Enjoy your garden.