Making eco friendly paper plant pots

I have been given an eco friendly paper plant pot maker which in itself looks like a lovely wooden ornament that would complement any self respecting potting shed.
On a cold frosty evening, I sat with my youngest daughter Amelia and set to – following the very simple ‘childs play’ instructions and made some plant pots.
Of course this was after the consultation on the fee that I would pay my daughter to complete a dozen pots and how much pocket money she would receive. I think this girl will go far, she drives a hard bargain.
At first I thought that they would collapse and not withstand watering, but once the paper is folded twice and then rolled and turned out, it is a sturdy little pot that can then be planted straight into the ground.
But more than that, it gave me and Amelia time to chat about our day and what had occurred and I took a few photos of her happily making them. It was lovely to see her concentrating and comparing one pot to the other, then undoing the uneven one and trying again. We pegged them together with the pegs that didn’t make great plant labels. Much better as pegs!
I showed one of my very best friends who came for lunch today who happens to be a primary school teacher. She loved the pot maker and I could see her thinking about using it with her class.
I’m sure there will be the argument that the pot won’t break down quickly enough and curtail the growth of the roots, but that’s maybe an experiment I can do in my square foot beds this spring.
Checking the raised beds today, the soil in the frame felt lovely and warm. Weeds were growing which apparently is a sign that conditions are improving and its getting closer the planting time.
I noticed on Gardeners World on Friday that they used a thermometer in the soil to check the warmth. Also they recommended the tomatoes that Sue and I have sowed. So we must be doing something right.