Keep smiling – think spicy comfort food and sunflowers.

We are not out of the woods yet, the snow is trying to fall again. Have you heard of the saying ‘big snow, little snow. Little snow, big snow.’
I was told that if the flakes are big, it won’t last. But if the flakes are small it will settle and last. What do you think? Anyway these flakes were big, so I’m not taking them seriously!
Sunflowers and singing the Mama Cass song with the line ‘and the darkest hour is just before dawn’ have kept me going today.
Spring really is just around the corner. I was chatting to an elderly gentleman the other day who assured me that spring will come just as day follows night.
I grew ‘Tom Thumb’ sunflowers a few years ago and they were beautiful. They only grown to about 2’ tall and I filled a whole bed with them.
I have been thinking about my raised beds and Access frame and attracting Bees to the plants. I have already sowed some Calendula seeds, because I can’t wait. I haven’t used the whole packet, so can sow some more If these don’t take. But to have pots of orange Calendula and yellow sunflowers will be such a lovely show. By putting them in big pots, I can dot them around the boarders to add colour without planting them in one spot.
I have just watched Nigel Slater who is a very enthusiastic cook who doesn’t follow recipe books, just cooks with what he has in the cupboard. He has just made chicken burgers and instead of using a boring bread roll, went into the garden, picked some lettuce leaves and wrapped the burger with some home made mayonnaise and mint leaves around the lettuce and ate it! We will be doing that soon!
I have some snow drops that my Dad planted years ago in the front of my garden. They spread a bit further each year and look a picture. I will take a picture of them to show you.
Talking of spicy food, I have been given a recipe for lamb tagine that I will share with you. I feel we need cheering up during this last leg of winter and this will be something to make for a change. I don’t have a ‘tagine’ but let me know if you do and if you think its worth investing in.
Talking of investing, I’m going to Nuneaton tomorrow to buy Sue and I a copper trowel. Looking forward to that.
Take care, keep smiling and thinking of sunny days in your garden.