June is bursting out all over – sounds like a song!

My computer has been broken and I have felt like I was missing my right arm. So sorry for not updating my blog for so long.
And so much has grown and happened.
We have eaten the most delicious strawberries ever tasted!! No, no exaggeration there at all. They really were. I’m talking about the ones grown since last autumn in the raised bed with frame on top. I think they need to be grown on a much grander scale next year. I will have a chat to the guys at Access Garden Frames about that. I remember them telling me that the frames were used originally – 50 years ago for growing strawberries for an early harvest.
There were so many lettuces ready that they were shared out between us and the chickens.
I eat the peas in the pods like they are sweets – so juicy and sweet. And at a recent party we held for our son’s birthday people were munching on sugar snap peas picked straight from the plant.
The globe artichokes are growing. I have read that you don’t eat the fruits this year, but let the plant strengthen and eat them next year.
The leeks are growing lovely and strong, but the parsnips are puny. Don’t know if I will bother with them again next year.
The tomatoes are all growing lovely and tall. I have them in grow bags and feed them with tomato food.
I promised you a potato salad recipe. Mark didn’t like it which put me off giving it to you, but have heard today that 2 other guests that ate it really loved it, so with confidence renewed I will give it to you.
I can’t tell you how happy, relaxed and confident growing my own veg has made me this year.
Initially, like any new venture, I didn’t think I could write a blog, let alone grow my own veg. But I have enjoyed both experiences. The support from the guys who asked me to do this has been great. I think I will share some of my veg with them as a thank you!
Please let me know how you are getting on from where you are.
Take care and enjoy your garden.