Getting some dirt under my nails
I have the morning to myself and after walking the dogs, I decided this was my time to get in the garden and make it look pretty.
This of course really means weeding, putting old plant pots away and clearing up the horrible mess that dogs leave. But it’s all necessary.
So I had my ipod in my ears and got started.
I had the last raised bed to hammer the copper nails into and string into the 12” squares. It seemed easier this time, am I getting used to hammers, or is it because the wood is wet? I planted some of the white onion sets, closer than before this time – following Mel Bartholomew’s advice. Whilst weeding I found some small chive plants so they have been given a square. I also found a lonely Allium bulb that I bought at Chelsea Flower Show a few years ago. So that has been planted in the raised bed as a nice surprise in the spring. It’s a part of the onion family after all. They are a beautiful plant with such a magnificent structure. They are even worthy of a place in the garden when they have stopped flowering and simply leave their skeleton.
I have tidied up the bed in front of my kitchen window and planted some left over cabbages and onions. This is the part of the garden I can see when washing the pots or filling the kettle. It’s important to me that it looks appealing. To see bulbs and plants surviving the winter helps you to remember that spring will be here soon. Hold that thought – there’s some horrible weather to come.
Looking at the other beds that Katie and I planted a few weeks ago gave me a huge lift. The garlic is sprouting and I saw one broad bean shoot coming up. Maybe this is going to work. The bad news is I have some blue mould in the framed raised bed. It has been very mild here and I hadn’t ventilated the frame enough. Thank you to all who gave helpful and not helpful messages on Face book about mould. But I did ask, so all advice was accepted.
I’m off to work so need to do something about my nails now! I had put my gardening gloves in a safe place…they are still there. Note to self – ask for some gardening gloves for Christmas.