Gardening, drinking tea and eating cake

Monday was a lovely warm sunny spring day. I had the day off and the garden was calling me.
I have the pleasure of working along side a company that is the worlds largest grower of Aloe Vera and I have a client base of some of the lovliest, kindest people I have ever met.
Whilst talking to one of these lovely people, many of whom are fellow gardeners of varying ability, we got talking about what to plant and when. He said, ‘well I’m a stick it in the ground kind of a person and see what happens. You need to talk to Lyn. She follows the patterns of the moon to plant’.
He had me hooked instantly. I have no idea what he is talking about, but I feel a tea with Lyn coming up very soon and I’ll get back to you.
Mark has restrung my square foot beds with copper wire instead of the string I had used. He removed the wire from an old roll of cable found in the garage. They look really lovely and decorative as well as practical.
The raised bed with the polythene over it was lovely and warm. I have planted my globe artichoke seedlings and peas with a twig wigwam over. Looking at them this morning, they are still alive and happy.
I also sowed some more chillies called ‘f1 joe’s long’ coriander ‘calypso’ and leek ‘zermatt’. My mini greenhouse frame in the garden is lovely and warm by day so I have made a fleece bed to keep my propagator in to keep it snug at night.
I had such a lovely day. Drinking tea, eating cake my girls had made me for Mothers day and feeling the sun on my face and dirt under my nails. Progress.