Enjoying my own company and bacon sandwiches.

I’ve been by myself all day. I have found a lovely café called ‘Fat Birds.’ It’s a really friendly place to enjoy a coffee. Today, whilst there, I had the best bacon sandwich I have ever tasted! It was lovely to sit in the window and watch the world go by for a short while whilst I thought of the things I had to do when I got home.I think you have to enjoy your own company to enjoy gardening. It’s a special time of day when you can leave your other worries behind and let your mind lose itself in fresh air and pottering about.
I called into blooms on the way home to buy some more seeds that I fancy growing. So now I have;
- Melon ‘sweet heart’. My friend Sue who recently bought her own Access Garden Frame and raised bed has a gardening neighbour who is very experienced. He recommended that she and therefore I grow melons in our frame. He almost guaranteed their success. He thought the mini greenhouse was the perfect place for melons to grow.
- Beetroot ‘f1 Kestrel’ – which apparently will have tender and sweet baby roots.
- Dwarf Bean ‘Tendergreen’ – early maturing, stringless pods.
- Sugarsnap pea – Sugar Anne – well I had to pick that one! A heavy crop of sweet succulent pods.
- Sunflower ‘Irish Eyes’. I plan to fill the bed in front of my kitchen window with these dwarf flowers for a lovely summer show.
So now I’m home, had a big mug of tea, enjoying my own company and ready to start sowing some of these little beauties into trays.
The sun isn’t shining, but I don’t care. It’s been a lovely day.