Confidence building – with grateful thanks

If you have never experienced walking into your garden, picking your dinner, 15 minutes later you’re sitting eating food that is so fresh it still squeaks – you are missing a treat.
I hope I never lose the feeling I am getting when I pick a lettuce, or throw my home grown Kale to my chickens and watch them get all excited to eat their fresh food. It’s addictive – this feeling good thing!
I am grateful to all who have helped and encouraged me on my grow my own journey. I’m loving every minute of it.
This weekend is a busy one. I’m planting my baby melon plants in the mini greenhouse – in the spaces vacated by the lettuces!
Also planting pumpkins, courgettes and spaghetti squash that are ready to go into the ground.
If you have never heard of spaghetti squash – it’s a plant worth growing. My Grandma grew them when I was a child. She would steam them, then, tease the flesh with a fork and the squash divides into what looks just like spaghetti. I was talking to an Italian grower at Chelsea Flower Show last year who told me, in Italy, they just eat the spaghetti squash with tomato sauce.
The weather is going to be fantastic this weekend. So enjoy your garden and I look forward to chatting to lots of gardeners at Chelsea Flower Show next week. I’m so excited to be there again.
If you have read the blog, please come and say hi to me. I’m there Wednesday and Thursday.
The guys from Access Garden Products will also be there all the other days.