Bonfire Night

I only had about an hour today to get some more done. I wanted to get the level of soil down a bit in the raised bed with the Cold Frame on top.
Mark was desperate to fill them as much as possible because we had so much soil. But I have to put the string squares in there and jumping up and down on the soil to make it go down is a silly idea!
It’s heavy work moving even a bucket full of soil at a time. It made me appreciate how much effort 4 tons takes to move.
The soil was lovely and warm from inside the frame and a few weeds are starting to make themselves at home. It made me realise how happy my little plants will be in there even on the coldest nights.
For those of you that have chatted to me at Chelsea Flower Show or Hampton Court Flower show you will know I’m always spouting on about using a terracotta saucer with an 8 hour tea light with a terracotta plant pot upside down over the tea light. It was a tip from a customer a few years ago and it works a treat.
It gives your frame a lovely warm glow and keeps the chill off all night. I even got up in the night last winter to check it was still alight! Well, we worry about our little ones don’t we?
So I look forward to seeing my frame glowing this winter.
Now, although this is nothing to do with gardening, Bonfire Night is about being outside in your garden.
There’s nothing nicer than sausage, jacket potatoes with cheese and mulled wine to eat whilst watching the whizz and bangs of fireworks. I am going to share with you my Nan’s recipe for Bonfire Toffee. It has to be the most delicious toffee I have ever eaten. I only make it once a year – to keep it as a special treat. We have the same friends round every year because their boys insist on coming to us for the toffee and to see the dogs.
It takes no prisoners this toffee – it will settle straight on your hips! But it’s worth it.
3 oz best butter
3 oz sugar
1 cup golden syrup.
Place all ingredients in a heavy base pan.
Bring to boil gradually.
Boil and stir constantly for 10 mins.
Pour a tea spoon into a bowl of ice cold water.
When it sets hard and crunchy – it’s ready.
Never leave it on its own whilst it’s cooking.
It needs to be a golden brown colour.
It will go from ready to burnt very easily.
Treat it with respect – it’s very hot!
Pour into a buttered baking tray that has a lip. Leave to cool completely.
When it’s set, bash the underneath of the tin with a rolling pin. This makes the toffee split into glass like shards of varying size!
Keep in a tin and shake the tin to separate the pieces.
Hope you like it!