A confidence dip!

I had another blonde moment the other day. When the guys from Access Garden Frames came to fit the polythene cover, I looked surprised and said ‘I thought it would be green!’
Was I thinking of green houses? I don’t know! But it’s opaque and of course will let the sunlight in. I knew that!
So now I have a garden with raised beds that would look very happy in a professional nursery. Gulp… no pressure here.
I did tell you I was a novice didn’t I? The poem I wrote explaining that I have been given the best equipment and the rest is up to me is ringing in my ears.
But it does look lovely and some things are starting to grow. The broad beans have about 4 leaves per plant on them and a smart new name tag to boot! And the garlic must have shoots about 4” high – no joke.
I’ll keep reading and praying for warmer weather to come.
It’s ‘Potato Day’ tomorrow at Ryton Organic Gardens. We are planning a busy day there getting lots of top tips and varieties to grow.
Maybe after tomorrow, I’ll be feeling a little more confident again.
Talking of confident, I have just made a pudding for a party we are going to tonight that I have never made before. Isn’t there a top tip about only ever take tried and tested things to parties so you know it will work.
But the picture in the book looked so lovely, I couldn’t resist making it. It’s called ‘Raspberry Cheesecake Brownie’. If it goes down well, I’ll share it with you – if not, I might share it anyway – then, I’ll just make it for us instead.